
House Price Index

Annual percentage change in UK house prices

This is our headline indicator which shows the year on year percentage change in UK average house prices. Updated each month, this provides our most timely view on house price developments.

Regional annual % change in house prices

Explore regional variations in house price growth. Updated each quarter, this provides more detail on house price movements in the English regions, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


FTB mortgage payments as % of take home pay

Assess affordability challenges using our benchmark measure, which looks at initial mortgage payments for a prospective first time buyer relative to their take home (or net) pay. Updated each quarter, this provides a regional view of housing affordability.

FTB house price earnings ratios by occupation group

This measure compares average earnings by occupation group against the first time buyer average house price for the UK. Updated annually, this gives a view as to how much affordability varies for prospective homebuyers in different occupations.

FTB mortgage payments as % of take home pay

A view on affordability by detailed occupation group, which cover 25 different employment categories. Look at initial mortgage payments for a prospective first time buyer relative to take home (or net) pay in each group. Data is updated annually.

FTB house price earnings ratios by region

Look at trends in regional affordability over time as measured by FTB average prices in each house price region compared with mean earnings in the region. Select and compare regions over time, with data updated each quarter.

Local Area Affordability

Examine affordability in your local area by looking at house price earnings ratios by local authority. These indicators use UK HPI (ONS & LPSNI) data for FTB house prices and ONS data for mean gross earnings in each local authority. Please note that areas are grouped by Government Office Regions, which differ from the regions used in our other series. Data is updated annually.